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What to expect


To establish the best treatment, your Invisalign journey will begin with an initial virtual consultation with Dr. Emma who will go through your treatment options, timeframes and costs.

When you attend for your face to face consultation you will have a full dental assessment followed by a 3D scan, photos and x rays for your Invisalign records. Once we have your completed scans, Dr Emma will be develop your treatment plan to achieve the best possible results. In the following weeks this plan (called a “clincheck”) will be emailed to you for your review and approval – if you have any questions you can call or email us.

Once you have approved your treatment plan your next appointment will be to attend the clinic for your attachments and for your first Invisalign brace fitting. Invisalign treatments typically take between 3-18months.

Once you have completed your Invisalign treatment you will have the option to have tooth whitening and composite bonding. The amount of composite bonding carried out is usually decided towards the end of your invisalign treatment when your teeth are close to their final position. This treatment is not included with the cost of invisalign and is charged separately.

Finally you are provided with invisalign vivera retainers to help you keep them looking great for years to come!


Composite bonding starts with an initial consultation to see if your current smile is suitable for the treatment. In some cases the best outcome is achieved by carrying out invisalign first.

If your teeth are ready to go straight for composite bonding we will take pre-treatment photographs and carry out tooth whitening if required. You are then booked in for the composite bonding appointment which takes on average 1.5-2 hours. During this appointment composite resin is added on top of the tooth and moulded into the desired shape and then polished. You then have a follow up appointment to review your bonding and take post treatment photographs.


An initial consultation is carried out first to check that your teeth are suitable for whitening. Moulds & photos are then taken and we will make you a second appointment to collect your custom made whitening trays. You are shown how to use the whitening gel and you use this at home over 2-4 weeks to get you final result!

What happens during the consultation?

Dr Emma will have a chat to hear what your concerns are and she will give her recommendation and advise of costs and payment plans and you will have the opportunity to ask any further questions.

Do I have to decide at consultation if I want to go ahead with the treatment or not?

No, you are welcome to have a think over your options and get in touch with any further questions before making a final decision.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a serious of nearly invisible clear aligners that gradually move your teeth to their desired position over time.

How often do I need to wear my Invisalign aligner each day?

It is advised to wear your aligner for a minimum of 20 hours a day. The aligners should only be removed for eating and brushing teeth.

How do I know when to change to the next aligner?

We recommend changing your aligner every 1-2 weeks and this is discussed at your appointments with the change over date written on the invisalign aligner bags.

Do I have to wear the aligner even after my teeth are straight?

Yes. To ensure the teeth don’t move back to their original position, you will need to wear your aligner every night during sleep for as long as you want them to keep straight.

Do I need to whiten my teeth before or after composite bonding?

If you want your teeth whiter then you will need to start whitening prior to your composite bonding appointment to ensure you reach the desired shade which we then match. Composite bonding is not able to be whitened.

What is composite bonding?

This is where we add a white tooth coloured material on top of the tooth which we then mould and set in the desired shape.

How many appointments will I need for composite bonding?

Three. The consultation, treatment, and follow up

Can I have composite bonding if my teeth aren't straight?

Unfortunately not unless it’s extremely mild. The reason for this is because the tooth will be too thick, the bite may not be correct, it won’t look right and will highlight any discrepancies in the teeth.

Whats the difference between composite bonding and porcelain veneers?

Composite bonding is built on top of the natural tooth so there is no preparation or drilling of the tooth first. In many cases porcelain veneers need to have the natural teeth filed down to allow space for them to be bonded onto your teeth. This can be carried out minimally with careful planning.

Do you offer payment plans?

We offer an interest free payment plan on treatments over £500.

What is your cancellation policy?

To cancel or rebook please give 24 hrs notice, otherwise there will be a late cancellation fee of £100.
